How To Generate More Clients For Your Solo Law Firm

generate more clients

If your practice is like mine, business gets a little slower for you in the warm summer months when everyone goes on vacation and things are less urgent. This slowdown is the perfect opportunity to focus on generating new clients.

While I never stop working on ways to bring in more business, I take advantage of downtime to really ramp up my efforts.

Here are some of my best in-depth strategies to keep the prospects rolling in:

Reach out to your current clients.

The first place to start is asking your current clients and contacts for referrals. I tried this tactic back in March and got 5 new clients with one email. If you do good work, people will want to help you.

In addition to the email tactic I used in the article above, you could also send a survey to your current clients and at the end ask if they know anyone who could use your services. Not only will you learn how to better serve your clients but you may also generate more clients.

I share Do you ever follow up with your past clients to see if they need any extra assistance? Do it! Just shoot them an email to see how things are going and ask if they need any extra help. Oftentimes, they will, but will need that nudge to move you to the top of their to-do list.

Follow up with past clients to see if they need any additional representation.

This tactic is similar the one above but this time you target past clients.

Send them an email to see how things are going and even add links to any new blog posts, eBooks or other information you think they may be interested in.

Follow up with potential clients who inquired about your services but never followed through.

You probably have had phone calls or emails from prospects inquiring about your services but after you response you never hear from them again.

Follow up with them by email to and ask if they still need assistance with their legal problem. Worst case scenario they ignore you, best case you generate more clients with a simple email.

Improve your social media presence.

Social media is a great way to generate more clients for your firm. Having an active social media presence makes you look credible and enables you reach a much larger audience than you could offline.

Use your down time to plan social media posts for the next few months. Check out this post on what to post on social media accounts to get you started.

Build an email list.

Building an email list was a game changer for my business. It’s a way to directly market to people who have shown an interest in your business. They gave you their email so they want to hear from you.

By regularly sharing helpful tips and content with your list, they’ll think of you when they need your services or knows someone who does.

Make A Facebook ad.

Facebook ads are an affordable and effective way to market to a targeted audience.

For as little as $5 a day you can run an ad that targets prospects based on location, gender, age, interests or relationship status.

The minimal cost makes it low risk to test it out. I’ve had great success in driving traffic to my website and I’ve generated a few new clients from it.

Host a webinar.

Webinars are a great way to generate more clients. I hosted my first webinar in March and it was a huge success.

A webinar is a class on video where you either teach about something related to your business. They are usually live (though they can be pre-recorded), and you can offer replays.

I still have people signing up for the replay of my Child Support Workshop.

Although many people offer paid webinars, I think it’s better to offer them for free if you are using them as a tool to generate more clients. The idea is that through the webinar they can get valuable information about their legal problems and view you as an expert. When it’s time to hire a lawyer they are going to think of the one who gave them that helpful information for free.

Try out a few of these ideas this week and see how they work for you. How do you generate more clients for your firm? Leave your tips in the comments!

generate more clients


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