How To Run A Profitable Law Practice From Home


Lawyers work from home

With the COVID-19 pandemic placing many cities under shelter at home orders, attorneys who normally work from a brick and mortar office have had to transition to working from home. Between the drastic change in how they work, working with your family around, stress about keeping your business running and worries about the pandemic, it can be hard to actually get work done.

My practice has been virtual since 2015 and I work from home, various co-working spaces across the city, the beach, coffee shops, hotel lobbies, pretty much anywhere I want. Over the years I have picked up tips that help me stay focused so matter where I am working and what is happening around me.

Here are my Modern Solo Rules For Running A Law Practice From Home

Rule #1 Stick to A Schedule

This is probably the most important part of being productive at home. You have to have a set daily schedule so you, your clients, and your family know when it is work time and when it is not.

I find it helpful to start with a morning routine. This helps get my day started and get into work mode. My COVID-19 morning routine includes working out for at least 30 mins, meditating for 45 mins, checking social media for 15 minutes, then starting my coffee and setting up my workspace before getting dressed for the day. All of this is complete by 8:45 am so I can start work promptly by 9 am.

I have a set start and stop time (9-5:30), lunch for an hour anywhere between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm, and I usually take a few 5-10 min breaks throughout.

Rule #2 Get Dressed

Another important thing to do is get dressed. It helps shift from comfy sleepy time to work time. Even if I change from one pair of yoga pants to another, it helps me make the shift. Plus you don’t want to do those Zoom meetings in your PJs.

Rule #3 Have the Right Equipment

Speaking of Zoom, make sure you have the right equipment to get the job done. As far as physical items all I need is my phone and laptop to run my practice. But it is also helpful to have wi-fi, software like Zoom for virtual meetings, and any other software you need to work. For me, Zoom, Acuity, MyCase, and my virtual receptionist are all things that make my job a million times easier.

Rule #4 Have A Plan

The reason most people aren’t productive, whether they are working from home or not, is that they don’t have a plan. Know what you plan to accomplish that day and then you can get it done.

At the end of each day, I literally plot my to-do list on my calendar. I include calls, meetings, the time I plan to respond to emails, pretty much everything. I can clarify what I need to do in a day and how much I can realistically get done and never waste time wondering what to do next.

Check out our productivity tips!

Rule#5 Have A Dedicated Workspace

Another important thing is to have a dedicated workspace. Try not to make it your bed, it makes it hard to turn off work when it’s time to sleep. At my place, I have a desk, but I am staying in Connecticut during the pandemic and we are working from the kitchen table.

I need so little to get my work done that it’s super easy to clean up when my workday is over.

Rule#6 Use Technology to Stay Connected

Don’t forget to stay connected with the outside world. If you can’t tell I love Zoom, since being on lockdown I have had virtual coffees, virtual drinks, virtual lunches, watched tv shows with friends and watched my niece perform a concert (at home on her toy piano).

It’s been great to keep in contact with lawyers I would normally see in person, to continue networking and to keep in touch with family without being able to leave home.

Rule #7 Set Boundaries

Lastly, be sure to set boundaries with those around you. Working from home does not mean you don’t have to work or that you are available 24/7 to others.

Make sure your clients know the hours you are available. I only take calls by appointment and only respond to emails/messages at designated times.

Family at home? (If possible), make sure they know when you are free and when you cannot be disturbed. I know people with small children who are taking turns working while the other parent watches the kids.

Don’t let friends and family members outside the home disturb you while working either. Many people are not working and are bored and will distract you without boundaries. Make sure everyone knows when you are working you are working.

One of my Facebook friends noted that they don’t see it as they have to work at home, they see it as they get to work safely at home. If you are already virtual you know the benefits and blessings of having the flexibility to work whenever and wherever. If you are working at home because of the virus remember you get to work at home. You have the ability to continue running your practice safely at home. Not everyone is that lucky.

These tips helped me get more done when working from home and I hope they help you as well.


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