3 Monthly Marketing Tasks That Keep The Phone Ringing


3 Monthly Marketing Tasks That Keep The Phone Ringing

One of the biggest concerns I hear from other attorneys about running their law practice during the COVID-19 pandemic is how to keep the phone ringing when everything is shut down and people are out of work.

Now is not the time to slow down on your marketing. What you do today will feed you in the coming months. At some point the world will start up again, and when people are ready to pay for legal services you want to be top of mind.

Here are some things you can do every month to keep your phone ringing.

Plan Your Marketing For The Month

You can’t get anywhere if you don’t know where you are going. Make an actual marketing plan for the month. Start with your marketing objectives. What exactly do you want to achieve?

Some ideas could include:

  • Create content promoting new practice area
  • Get 500 new followers on Instagram
  • Create a Facebook Ad campaign
  • Update website
  • Grow our email list by 25%
  • Generate 10,000 unique website visitors
  • Get 10 new consultations this month
  • Create a Holiday Promotion
  • Create an email campaign to get referrals from existing and past clients

Once you choose 1 or two objectives for the month, break down how your plan to achieve them. For example, if you choose to promote a new practice area your marketing plan could look like this:
Create a blog post about a new practice area
Share a blog on social media
Make at least 1 post a week on a new practice area
Send email newsletter re new practice area
Go live on Facebook doing Q&A session about a new practice area

Decide what you want to acheive and then break it down.

Schedule Some Emails

If done correctly, email marketing converts. These are people who voluntarily signed up for your email list. They want to hear from you. And if you provide value to your list that can mean more cases and more revenue for you.

“Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter” – McKinsey

If you don’t have one already, create an email marketing campaign for PCs or for new clients. Set up a series of emails that send automatically that end with a request to set up a consultation. On a monthly basis send an email newsletter with USEFUL information.

This keep you top of mind for potential, current, and past clients.

Post To Social Media

I say it all the time if you are not active on social media you are missing out. Even if your clients are older and not on social media (though many people over 65 are very active on Facebook these days) their friends and family members are online and, when they need help, these are the people they will ask to help find them an attorney.

If you want the phone to keep ringing, you have to be online. All these people sheltering at home during COVID-19 are spending hours online. The attorneys who are there, posting, providing information are going to be the ones that get calls when people are ready to move forward with legal matters. These are going to be the lawyers they feel like they know and the lawyers their friends and family tell them about.

If your phone is not ringing now, you should be creating content, posting, and engaging on social platforms.

Review Your Stats

At the end of each month, you want to review your marketing efforts. Did you reach your objectives? How many new cases did get? What worked and what did not?

If you ran a Facebook ad and it was very successful and you go nothing from Adwords, maybe you switch gears and focus on the Facebook Ads next month. Review and adjust.

Try this strategy for a few months and you will hear your phone ring more often.


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